Back To

This painting by Ben Young depicts a solitary figure in dark clothing standing on a snow-covered path flanked by bare trees, with the scene conveying a sense of solitude in a wintry landscape.

About The Watercolor Painting

In the midst of a serene, snow-covered landscape, a solitary figure captures our attention in this evocative painting, titled Back To. Striding the lone figure once again, across the snow covered Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail.

This is the second iteration in the Winter Escape collection.


Back To Reference Photo

I have walked many times on the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail, especially through winter’s snow. There is just something enchanting on those hikes, when no one else is on that trail, and all you have are the noises of the winter wind and snowfall. This artwork is meant to depict and resonate those feelings. Continuing forward with the narrative and story I want to show in the Winter Escape collection.

I can say with confidence I have spent more time on the Towpath Trail than most, other than a select few. I have traveled it’s crushed limestone path on foot and bicycle tie as my second home.

Artwork Process

This painting was done with watercolor on a cold press cotton paper block. I mixed in white gouache in to a perfume bottle, to spray over as a final step. This took quite some time and a many number of glazing layers. To create the depth of trees, I of course had to brush several layers of trees.

Here is a visual overview of the process:

Scene Location Information

The location this scene is derived from is a part of the Ohio to Erie Canal Towpath, situated between Canal Fulton and Massillon Ohio, likely Jackson township at that point of the trail. This part of the trail I have both hiked and cycled through easily over thousands of times, so I am familiar with this area like the back of my hand. The trail is especially peaceful after a fresh winter snow, at which point I love for it's meditative properties.
