Creepy Clown

This painting by Ben Young is a close up oil painting of creepy looking clown's nose and part of it's scary smile.

American, 1990 - Current
Creepy Clown ( 2024 )
Oil on Canvas

About the Creepy Clown Painting

Creepy Clown was a quick artwork done on a tiny canvas, that I did as a gift to a friend. Who has an appreciation for creepy clowns and serial killers. While I don’t share those interests, I did my best to try to convey that sense allure on this 4x4in square, making quick work of it. The design was heavily inspired by the first IT Movie’s antagonist clown character. The yellow tinted smiling teeth were captured well, wrapping around the edge of the canvas.

This small work painting is the first one apart of the tiny canvas collection.

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Artwork Process

Painted on tiny stretched canvas with oil paint, this painting was painted like most of my realism works. After drawing a basic pencil guide, in this case just a circle for the nose and the lines for the eyes and smile. Starting the painting process from the top left corner and painting my way down to the bottom right corner, section by section. To avoid smudging my hand on existing wet paint. Being a small work, it only took a few hours to complete this artwork. Most of that time was spent at the table with my date, as they painted their own tiny canvas with me.

Original Sale

The original of this painting has been sold and is no longer available for sale.


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