Linda Lounging

This painting by Ben Young is a close up watercolor painting of a nude woman figure.
© 2024 Ben Young Arts, LLC. All rights reserved. Ben Young Arts, LLC.

About The Watercolor Painting

Linda Lounging is a quick study of my friend (name has been changed for privacy), lounging on the couch. It was done at her request, jokingly said by her, “paint me like one of you french girls”. Although, my name isn’t Jack nor do I plan on getting on any boat any time soon. Especially since the cold Ohio winter is already starting. I also used this piece to be my first practice using the ZORN pallette.

I intentionally left out the facial features, due to the restricted size and I really want to focus on the quick part of a quick sketch/painting. I agreed to this more done to study the human anatomy and become familiar with it, as I further focus on narratives using human figures.

This small work painting is the fourth painting apart of the watercolor sketches.
