Tiny Football
About The Oil Painting
Tiny Football was another quick artwork done on a tiny canvas. A tribute to one of Canton’s large driving parts of their economy, American Football. Since our city hosts the Pro Football Hall of Fame, which is the biggest reason for tourism and festivals in our tiny city, I figured it was a good idea to have this sitting out on my studio space as a pick-me-up. Sports!
This small work painting is the first one apart of the tiny canvas collection.
- Featured in the 2024 The Art of Toys Exhibit at BZTAT Studios.
10% of all online sale proceeds of any products that sell related to Tiny Football will be donated to Toys For Tots.
Where To Visit
The original painting is currently on display at BZTAT STudios in Canton Ohio, and can be viewed there. The address is 730 Market Ave S, Canton, OH 44702
Purchase Tiny Football
Limited Time Sale: Winter Sale. 10% OFF all orders using discount code 'SNOWFALL'. Until March 20th. Or receive 20% OFF when you sign up for my newsletter.