Shipping Policy


When will I get my order?

Usually, it takes 3–7 days to fulfill an order, after which it’s shipped out. The shipping time depends on your location, but can be estimated as follows:

  • USA: 3–4 business days
  • Europe: 6–8 business days
  • Australia: 2–14 business days
  • Japan: 4–8 business days
  • International: 10–20 business days

Where will my order ship from?

For prints, I work with an on-demand order fulfillment company with facilities worldwide! If it is an original painting, it is either shipped directly from my Ohio location or from the gallery that original is currently presiding.

Will I be charged customs for my order?

An additional customs and tax fee can occur on international orders. This fee is not in our control and is assessed by your local customs office. Customs policies vary widely for every country so please check with your local customs office directly to see if they apply duties and taxes to your purchases.

My order should be here by now, but I still don’t have it. What should I do?

Before getting in touch with us, please help us out by doing the following:

  • Check your shipping confirmation email for any mistakes in the delivery address
  • Ask your local post office if they have your package
  • Stop by your neighbors in case the courier left the package with them

If the shipping address was correct, and the package wasn’t left at the post office or at your neighbor’s, get in touch with me with your order number.

If you did find a mistake in your delivery address, we can send you a replacement order (only for prints), but shipping will be at your own cost.


How are your products made?

I work with a print-on-demand drop shipper. They have locations worldwide, so depending on where you are, your orders are printed and shipped from the facility that can do it most efficiently!

How do I track my order?

You’ll receive a tracking link via email when your order ships out. If you have any questions about your tracking or shipment, drop me a line.

I received a wrong/damaged product, what should I do?

I am sorry if the product you ordered arrived damaged. To help me resolve this for you quickly, please contact me within a weeks’ time with photos of the damaged product ready, include your order number, and any other details you may have about your order. I will get back to you with a resolution as soon as possible!

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.

This Privacy Policy is effective as of April 20th, 2024 and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page.

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